Name Change, A Bold Move

I have been thinking about this for some time now, going back and forth not quite sure what the right thing to do is…

Its not that i did like the old name, i did in fact because i felt it described my music best

adj : of all varieties or forms or kinds

The only problem I really had is Omnifarious didn’t exactly roll off your tongue, but when you make a brand (hate calling it that) and people get to know it, you shouldn’t change it. I don’t think I have many fans out there but I do have friends/colleagues I have worked with in the past and if I change my name they may not be able to find me. Of course there is the process of actually going through the change, updating all the music, the album covers, and my profiles on various musician websites. Quite a task you just have to be up for it.

I think what finally helped make the decision for me was that it is time to add my music to the streaming platforms. Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Youtube, and so on and so forth. I thought if I am about to put my music in front of millions of people then I might want to have a nice easy to remember, and easy to understand the name. I don’t think Omnifarious was understood I doubt many people took the time to look it up. I only have one track where the name Omnifarious is said in the track and that unfortunately I won’t be able to go back and change. Everything else is just time and effort, neither I have much of right now but my music is in the process of being distributed to these streaming services so the time is now.

I really just wanted to write up a bit of an explanation and hopefully, if any fan googles my old name it will take them right here and they will realize that this is indeed the person they are looking for.

So as of this moment Omnifarious after many many years becomes Oarca.

** I realize that some of this site needs to be updated still, like my “About Me” section. I am working on it my friends!

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